Regisztráció | Elfelejtett jelszó
A vérmintavétel rendje edzést, versenyzést követően 2017-02-17
On the basis of Government Decree 43/2011 (III.23 the International Standard for Testing and Investigations is relevant and applicable in doping control. Under its Article K.2 in case the acting anti-doping organisation wishes to use the blood sample in the framework of the athlete’s biological passport program the sample must not be taken within two hours after training or competition.

With respect to the above mentioned we would like to kindly ask the athletes to consider this when they supply their whereabouts information, and provide such time interval which makes conducting a blood sample test possible.

According to the International Standard for Testing and Investigations when an athlete has been notified for doping control he/she is obliged to be available until the end of the sampling, even if it may last longer than the 60-minute availability period.

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