Regisztráció | Elfelejtett jelszó

On the basis of Government Decree 43/2011 (III.23.) on the rules of anti-doping activities the condition of return to organised sport activities of athletes spending their ineligibility period is that they provide at least one or a set number of negative samples defined by the international association of the field of sport. 
Therefore sport associations operating in any field of sport (and not only in the field of sport at the time of the ban) shall be able to provide athletes spending their ineligibility period with competition licenses/start permits for individual races only following the set number of negative doping control results.
What to do before returning to organised sport activities

With respect to the above mentioned rule HUNADO recommends for athletes on their ineligibility period to:
  • contact HUNADO as soon as possible but at least three months before their planned return in order to carry out the necessary doping control (athletes about to return may understand “professional materials” as the form to fill by ineligible athletes), please keep in mind that sampling and laboratory analysis together might take several months;
  • request information from the national association whether more than one negative sample is required ;
  • in case the relevant regulations of the national association of the field of sport require more than one negative sample athletes should apply at the international associations through the national association for doping control
  • before requesting competition licenses or start permits, athletes are responsible to inform the relevant sport association about their duty to provide samples as the condition of provision of competition license or start permit, in case this obligation is not met athletes’ results might be deleted, furthermore, their omission might bring about a doping procedure.

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