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Introduction of the ADAMS-System
 (ADAMS = Anti-Doping Administration & Management System)
The ADAMS-System is such an international online database management, co-ordination and control system whose objective is to manage the databases of the affected organisations and individuals of the nations participating in the anti-doping program of the world.  The system simplifies communication and information exchange among nations by connecting the databases of the users (laboratories, National Anti-Doping Organisations, International Sports Associations), and provides a surface for the compilation of integrated reports from which the accurate and up-to-date statistics of WADA (World Anti-Doping Organization) may be prepared.
ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System) is such an online surface which can only be accessed by those contractual partners (e.g. the Hungarian Anti-doping Group), or the users registered by them (e.g. athletes) who have previously consented in writing or by other means to the use of the regulations of the system.  The data protection regulation of ADAMS can be found in the appendix “International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information” of the WADA Code.
ADAMS can be accessed by the following user groups, at the strict supervision of different levels of access:
• WADA (appointed staff members)
• The Athlete and the representative appointed by him (e.g. parent, coach, manager, doctor)
• Organizers of Sport world events (during the official period of the world event)  
• NADOs (National Anti-Doping Organizations)
• RADOs (Regional Anti-Doping Organizations)
• International Sport Associations
• National Olympic Committees  
• National Paralympic Committees
• National Sport Associations
• WADA accredited laboratories
The system logs every entry or change of data, therefore it is possible to trace it who and when worked with it.
According to 14.5 of the WADA Code (World Anti-Doping Code) of 2015 WADA obliges nations to use the ADAMS-System, with special respect to the provision of the following data:
- laboratory results of doping tests doppingellenőrzések laborvizsgálati eredményei
- data of Athlete’s Biological Passport 
- whereabouts information of Athletes
- Testing distribution plans
- data of sampling in-competition and out-of-competition (sample form)
 Benefits of the use of ADAMS:
- The effectiveness of doping control can be maximized, and the unnecessary testing of a certain Athlete can be avoided (Code 5.4.3.)
- Anti-doping organizations can store whereabouts violations and data concerning other result management on a common platform (Code 7.1.2)
- Whereabouts records can be accessed online (and from 2014 on mobile application as well) (Code 5.6)
- TUE records, acceptance/rejection can be accessed by all parties from one place
(ISTUE 5.4)
The Hungarian Anti-Doping Group began using the system according to the regulations from 1 January 2015, the data had been uploaded by the autumn of 2015.
The ADAMS-system can be accessed from the website of WADA. The Hungarian translation of the whereabouts information system was uploaded from April 2015. It is also available directly from the website of the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group.
The website of WADA:
The website of the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group:
ADAMS Modules:
There are six separate programmes in the system:
1. Athlete’s whereabouts records
2. TUE* records (Therapeutic Use Exemption)
3. Doping test distribution planning
4. Laboratory results of doping tests
5. Result management (storing doping violations, and other sanctions)
6. Result management of Athlete’s Biological Passport
1. Athletes’ Whereabouts Records
The aim of the module is for Athletes to provide the possible time intervals when they are available for out-of-competition testing without preliminary notice, by completing a simple and easy-to-use online table. They have to file the place and time of training sessions, training camps and competitions, and on the days there are no such activities, a one-hour period at a place of their choice. The whereabouts of the Athlete can only be seen by the organizations responsible for doping control. The athletes can only access their own database.
Access levels:    Records of unsent data (unsaved draft)              Sent /saved data
Athlete                                                          Writes                                          Writes
Athlete’s representative                            Writes                                          Writes     
Whereabouts control organization          Doesn’t see                                Writes     
Other ADO*                                                 Doesn’t see                                Read
WADA                                                          Doesn’t see                                Read
Laboratory                                                    Doesn’t see                                Doesn’t see
*ADO – Anti-Doping Organization
2. TUE –Therapeutic Use Exemption
The TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) procedure is a process which is conducted in order to allow the use of medicines which appear on the prohibited list, through which process the athlete gives proof with medical documents that taking the certain medication is indispensable, there is no other therapeutic alternative, and the prohibited substance cannot be replaced with other permitted medicines.
The athlete needs to file the application for TUE in the system, which will be assessed according to the regulations by the TUE Committee responsible for permission by a deadline. 
The system stores the TUEs for 10 years (as long as the samples), and the attached documents for 18 months.
Access levels:                                             Filed                          Accepted documents
Athlete                                                          Writes            Reads                              Writes
TUE Committee (TUEC)                            Writes            Writes                  Writes     
Other ADO*                                                 Reads                        Reads                              Doesn’t see
WADA                                                          Reads                        Reads                              Reads
Laboratory                                                    Doesn’t see  Doesn’t see        Doesn’t see
*ADO – Anti-Doping Organization
3. Planning the proportion of doping control tests
This module coordinates the work of different organizations carrying out doping control. If, for example, the International Swimmers’ Association plans the doping control of Hungarian swimmers the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group is not going to look for swimmers that month. Anti-Doping Organizations appreciate and accept each others’ work. The system makes international coordination possible, therefore carrying out sampling becomes well-organized and balanced. The sampling form is the register of the sampling process, its data are recorded. All the statistics of the previous 10 years’ samples can be viewed in the database of the athlete. All the notes and changes of data concerning the person of the athlete can be seen by him/her.

Access levels:                                 Planned test   Implemented test   Sampling form
Athlete                                              Cannot see              Reads                            Reads Sampling Organization                        Writes                        Writes                Writes       
Result manager                               Reads                                    Reads                            Writes       
Laboratory                                        Doesn’t see              Doesn’t see      Doesn’t see  
WADA                                               Reads                                   Reads                            Reads
Other ADO*                                      Doesn’t see              Reads              Doesn’t see                                        
*ADO – Anti-Doping Organization
4. Laboratory test results
Data can only be uploaded into the system by laboratories carrying out doping analytical tests. Databases of other medical data are not available in the system. The doping control laboratories can only see the code numbers of the samples, and those sample data from which the identity of the athlete cannot be seen. The organization carrying out doping control, the international association of the field of sport, the athlete and WADA automatically receive the laboratory results recorded in the system. The laboratory result can be negative, adverse and atypical – needing further testing.
Access levels:                      Negative result    Adverse result   Atypical result
Athlete                                  Reads                                   Reads                            Reads
Sampling organization      Reads                                    Reads                            Reads                   
Result manager /
International association    Reads                      Reads                            Reads                   
Laboratory                             Writes                        Writes                Writes
WADA                                               Reads                                   Reads                            Reads
Other ADO*                                      Doesn’t see              Doesn’t see      Doesn’t see                                      
*Only own results
**ADO – Anti-Doping Organization
5. Result Management
Result management is done by the organization which is entitled to carry out the doping disciplinary procedure following the adverse test finding. Result management is assisted by the laboratory results of the sampling forms automatically connected to the data already registered in the system on the basis of the code number of the sample. The system sends a separate notice about adverse and atypical test results.
Besides the laboratory results the so-called „black points”, and other omissions by the athletes also need to be recorded in the system. If an athlete is not found by the doping control officers at the given place and time it is considered „failed testing”, for which the athlete receives a black point. 
3 „black points” collected within 12 months may be considered a doping offence, and will bring about a doping disciplinary procedure, which might result in ineligibility.
As an athlete can be given „black points” by several anti-doping organizations it is indispensible for the organizations to store the omissions or sanctions granted in a common database. 
The sanctions imposed on sport experts and other records have to be kept on the same surface.

Access levels:          Adverse result    Atypical result  Doping offence Sanction
Athlete                                  Reads                        Reads                            Reads                Reads
Result manager /               Reads             Writes                 Writes                Writes
Laboratory                             Writes            Doesn’t see      Doesn’t see    Doesn’t see
WADA                                   Reads                        Reads                            Reads                 Reads
Other ADO*                                      Doesn’t see              Doesn’t see      Doesn’t see                                      
*Only own results
**ADO – Anti-Doping Organization
6. Athlete Biological Passport results
The system automatically generates personalized haematological and steroid profiles, based on the laboratory results. Each profile defines individual values typical of a certain athlete. In case of a significant difference from the individual „normal” values further tests have to be carried out. The professional evaluation of the differences is conducted by the Biological Passport Analysis Committee, which is operated by the National Anti-Doping Organization.
Access levels:                                  Biological Passport results       APMU evaluation
Athlete                                              Reads                                              Reads
Sampling organization                        Reads                                              Reads
Athlete Biological                               Writes                                             Reads
Management Unit
WADA                                               Reads                                                           Reads
Laboratory                                        Writes                                                Doesn’t see  
Hungarian Anti-Doping Group - HUNADO

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