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Information about Resignation of Athletes 2017-02-17
Dear Athletes,

We kindly ask you to inform HUNADO, as well as your association, about the fact of your resignation from your sports career from 1 May 2015. HUNADO has issued a form for this purpose, which is available under “Athletes”/ “Declaration of Resignation2017”. Your resignation comes into effect at HUNADO only when you have sent us this document by post.

The legal effects of declaration of resignation:
  1. Following the submission of the form about resignation the athlete is not obliged to further provide whereabouts information, and will be deleted from the national Registered Testing Pool.
  2. The athlete who has declared his/her resignation will only be able to return to competition in future international or national events if he/she informs HUNADO about it at least six months prior to return, and is available for control for six months during this period, including, at HUNADO’S request, the completion of supplying whereabouts information as well. Therefore we recommend that those who only wish to resign temporarily shall consider the above obligation.
  3. Not complying with the above mentioned preliminary obligation to report the return of the athlete will be sanctioned with the deletion of the sport results after “irregular return”.
Thanking for your co-operation we would like to wish you further successes
Hungarian Anti-Doping Group

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