Regisztráció | Elfelejtett jelszó
Quarterly whereabouts information cycle updated 2017-02-17
From 1 January 2016, supply of whereabouts information by athletes of both the national and international Registered Testing Pool is done through the ADAMS-system.

As of 2014, the supply of whereabouts information, according to international practice, and in compliance with the ADAMS-system, is due by the latest the day before the first day of the actual quarter (31. December, 31. March, 30. June, and 30 September), by completing each day of the quarter in advance. Naturally, the whereabouts information supplied in advance may be and has to be modified according to the changes of the athlete’s schedule by the latest 0 o’clock of the relevant day.

Control of whereabouts information

The aim of supply of whereabouts information is for athletes to be controllable out of competition as well. If an athlete breaks the regulations concerning availability for out of competition control at least three times within 12 months, or does not update his/her availability or change of schedule, due to which he/she is not available for the doping control officers at the supplied place and time, he/she will be committing a so-called doping offence.

The HUNADO’s staff are going to continue checking the order of whereabouts information supply regularly. Considering that there have been several doping procedures conducted due to the breach of the obligation of supply of whereabouts information we kindly ask athletes to pay attention to this obligation. In case of any questions HUNADO’s colleagues are at their disposal.

The use of the ADAMS-system, the end of the Hungarian whereabouts information system

In 2015, HUNADO began the professional cooperation which made it possible to supply whereabouts information of the national Registered Testing Group in the ADAMS-system. As a first step for this the translation of all ADAMS modules was carried out.

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