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The Introduction of the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group 2017-02-17
The Hungarian Anti-Doping Group was established on 20 March 2007 in order to collect anti-doping expertise and experience in the interest of clean athletes. Colleagues of the organization had previously been participating in the domestic fight against doping as doping control officers (DCOs), and decided to set up an independent anti-doping organization. After signing the World Anti-Doping Code in 2007, the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group started functioning as the National Anti-Doping Organization of Hungary (HUNADO), which is a great honour and professional acknowledgement for its dedicated team.

Independence and transparency are vital in the fight against doping. The legal framework of HUNADO is established by the Act I of 2004 on Sports, which state law guarantees that HUNADO fulfils its activities in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code. With regards to its organisational structure, HUNADO enjoys a fully independent status, separated from third parties, with the right of self-governance purely in the light of anti-doping expertise.
Mission statement
Doping is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport. Accordingly, the fundamental aim of HUNADO is to maintain the true spirit of sport and defend the rights of clean athletes. Clean sport is the only way.
Doping-control services

With its DCO Staff consisting of 45 doping control officers, HUNADO carries out widespread doping control activity outside of Hungary, based on the request of its foreign partners for more than 10 years.
Doping control is conducted according to the guidelines of the World Anti-Doping Code and the international standards, in order to track down the samples from notification through testing to laboratory analysis, and the management of the results. Only people with university degree are enabled to take part in testing, most of the DCOs of HUNADO are medical doctors.
In the interests of delivering exceptional quality service to its partner organizations, the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group pays utmost attention to complying with the highest standards, and expectations of value-based international stakeholders.

For further information, please consult the website of the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group at which is available both in Hungarian and English languages.  

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