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The new Anti-Doping Education and Learning (ADEL) 2020-12-09
Montreal, 8 December 2020 

Dear ADeL user,

We hope that you and your family remain safe and well during these challenging times due to COVID-19. We are aware that online education has become critical in our target audiences during the pandemic; and, WADA aspires to further support your needs in 2021 by providing enhanced anti-doping education solutions.

As such, we are writing to you today to inform you of:
  • The launch of the new Anti-Doping Education and Learning (ADEL) by WADApreviously known as the Agency’s Anti-Doping e-Learning platform (ADeL);
  • The actions you may need to take in preparation.
Highlights of changes within the new ADEL
1. Change of name, logos and look and feel
ADeL (Anti-Doping eLearning platform) will change to ADEL (Anti-Doping Education and Learning). The new ADEL will have a modernized look and feel with improved visuals; and, will feature enhanced accessibility designs/fonts that are more universal and facilitate usability and learning. The URL of will remain the same.

2. Further customization of learning plans/courses  
Different learning plans/courses will be available for different user roles and levels, enabling learning to be tailored to the different stages of development. As an example, in the new platform the role ‘athlete’ will be divided into international-level athlete, national-level athlete, talented athlete, youth athlete, children and school sport (in line with the Athlete Pathway set out in WADA’s Guidelines for the International Standard for Education); and, will be provided with customized learning courses.

3. Education content offering
As it is the case in the current platform, all users will be assigned to the courses as per their role, e.g., athlete, coach, medical professional, parents, etc. The courses currently available will no longer exist on the new ADEL. These courses will be replaced with equivalent courses on the new ADEL. As an example, course ALPHA will be replaced by learning plans ADEL for international-level athletes, ADEL for national-level athletes and ADEL for registered testing pool athletes. For more details regarding the new courses list, please refer to the FAQs in this link.
In addition, all the new course content will be updated in line with the 2021 Code and relevant International Standards. In addition, it will be presented in a more user-friendly and bite-size format.
4. Platform and content translations
When WADA launches the new ADEL, we will aim to publish resources/courses in English and French as a minimum, with Spanish to follow. The other existing languages are currently being translated and will be made available as soon as they are completed.
5. Mobile App ADEL by WADA
To increase the accessibility of learning, either due to preference of how to access content and resources or to support areas with limited internet connection, we will be offering a new ADEL by WADA App, which will allow for offline learning and will be accessible to all via the Google Play store and Apple App Store.
6. User account/learning record migration 
User account migration
As a principle, if your email address associated with the account is a valid email address (an email that exists and can receive emails), then there is not action required from you. Your user account will be migrated to the new ADEL.
However, some exception scenarios apply and if either of the following apply to you:
  • Users who have created multiple accounts (duplicates)
  • User whose role is set as ‘other’
Please refer to the FAQs in this link to find more information about the migration of the above two exceptional scenarios to new ADEL.
Important: If you provided an invalid email address, your account will not be migrated, and you will need to re-register on the new ADEL. We kindly ask you to verify your current information and update your email address in the current ADeL.
Learning record migration
Together with the account migration, if you have completed a course associated with a certificate, the learning records (score and completion date) will also be migrated and will be available in a section called My Education Record under your profile. These records are kept for the purpose of later reference/validation when necessary. 
Validity of your past certificates/learning record
Please consult with your International Federation (IF) or National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) and/or Major Event Organizations (MEOs) on the validity of your past certificates/learning records.
Please take note that, on the date that WADA launches the new ADEL in early January 2021, the current platform will be disabled, and its courses and resources will no longer be public and available. Therefore, please consider complete your learning before the launch or wait to start with the new learning courses assigned to your role on the new ADEL platform in January.

Transition Period
Starting December 16th, the registration function to the current ADeL will be disabled, from that date, no new users will be able to register.

For existing users, please take note that, on the date that WADA launches the new ADEL in early January 2021, the current platform will be disabled, and its courses and resources will no longer be available. Therefore, please consider completing your learning before December 15th. If you can’t meet the deadline, we recommend that you wait to start with the new learning courses assigned to your role on the new ADEL platform in January.
We appreciate your commitment for clean sport and understanding. We will continue to make further improvements to the ADEL platform after the launch. We strongly believe that the new ADEL will greatly enhance your experience with WADA’s e-learning platform; and, be a big boost for clean sport.
If you have questions, in this link you will find more detailed information about the upcoming changes and new features on the new ADEL.
Best regards,
World Anti-Doping Agency
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The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is the international independent organization created in 1999 to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport in all its forms. The Agency is composed and funded equally by the sports movement and governments of the world. Its key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code - the document harmonizing regulations regarding anti-doping in all sports and all countries.


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