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WADA strengthens Social Science Research with new strategy 2020-10-05


Montreal, 2 October 2020 – The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to launch its Social Science Research Strategy (SSR Strategy) for 2020-2024, which was approved by WADA’s Executive Committee during its meeting on 14-15 September 2020.
The SSR Strategy establishes a broader remit than past years for social science research within the global anti-doing system and aims to enable the program to expand beyond the Social Science Research Grant Program, which has been restructured and will be launched later this month.
WADA Director General, Olivier Niggli, said: “The launch of WADA’s Social Science Research Strategy marks a step change in how the Agency approaches social science research. Our planned increased investment in the Social Science Research program will allow us to be more strategic and proactive in our research efforts, helping to realize the benefits that social science can bring to anti-doping.”

WADA Director of Education, Amanda Hudson, added: “We are ambitious about promoting a wider spread of investment globally, and to build research capability as well as promote the engagement of anti-doping organizations and athletes in the research process. The Strategy also aims to provide evidence to inform policy and programs throughout the global anti-doping system, contributing to a better experience for athletes.”

The 2020-2024 SSR Strategy sets out a framework for supporting WADA’s recently announced Five-Year Strategic Plan by focusing on impactful research. Accordingly, six strategic priorities set out in the SSR Strategy will drive WADA’s social science research investment with the aim of achieving a number of key results such as improving the dissemination of research outcomes.
WADA’s 2021 Social Science Research Grant Program

WADA’s call for proposals for the revised 2021 Social Science Research Grant Program will be announced during the week of 12 October 2020. The original call for proposals was postponed in June 2020 to better accommodate the academic community in light of COVID-19.

In order to explain the major changes to the Grant Program, including the Agency’s updated research priorities, WADA will hold a webinar entitled: The Revised Social Science Research Grant Program on 8 October 2020. Stakeholders interested in registering are invited to do so here.

For further information regarding WADA’s SSR Strategy, or its Social Science Research Grants Program, please visit the Social Science Research section on WADA’s website or contact the Agency’s Education Department at

– ENDS –

James Fitzgerald
Senior Manager, Media Relations and Communications
Phone: + 1-514-904-8225

Maggie Durand
Manager, Media Relations and Communications
Phone: + 1-514-904-8225
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The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is the international independent organization created in 1999 to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport in all its forms. The Agency is composed and funded equally by the sports movement and governments of the world. Its key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code - the document harmonizing regulations regarding anti-doping in all sports and all countries.


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