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WADA suspends accreditation of Paris Laboratory 2018-02-02


Montreal, 3 November 2017 – The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has suspended the WADA accreditation of the Laboratory of the Agence Française de lutte contre le Dopage (the National Anti-Doping Organization of France) in Châtenay-Malabry, France (Paris Laboratory) for a period of up to six months. This suspension was imposed due to analytical issues self-reported to WADA by the Laboratory; which, on 24 September, resulted in the laboratory being provisionally suspended. Since 24 September, disciplinary proceedings were carried out by an independent Disciplinary Committee, which was mandated to make a recommendation to the Chair of the WADA Executive Committee regarding the status of the Laboratory’s accreditation, which is now complete.

The suspension, which took effect on 31 October 2017, prohibits the Paris Laboratory from carrying out any anti-doping activities, including all analyses of urine and blood samples. During the period of suspension, samples that have not yet been analyzed by the Paris Laboratory; samples currently undergoing a confirmation procedure; and, any samples for which an Adverse Analytical Finding has been reported; must be securely transported to another WADA-accredited laboratory. This is in order to ensure continued high quality sample analysis, which also helps preserve athletes’ confidence in this process and of the wider anti-doping system.

Pursuant to Article 13.7 of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), the Laboratory may appeal this decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport within 21 days of receipt of notice.

During the period of suspension, the laboratory shall address all non-conformities identified by the Laboratory Expert Group or WADA in any request for corrective action or otherwise, as well as any additional non-conformities identified during any WADA site visit during the suspension period. If the laboratory satisfies the Disciplinary Committee in meeting these requirements, it may apply for reinstatement prior to the expiry of the six month suspension period. Should the laboratory not address the non-conformities by the end of the six-month suspension period, WADA may extend the suspension of the laboratory’s accreditation for an additional six months.

According to the International Standard for Laboratories (ISL), WADA is responsible for accrediting and re-accrediting anti-doping laboratories, thereby ensuring that they maintain the highest quality standards. This monitoring process is conducted in conjunction with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) assessment by independent national accreditation bodies that are full members of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).


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Maggie Durand
Coordinator, Media Relations and Communications
Phone: + 1-514-904-8225

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is the international independent organization created in 1999 to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport in all its forms. The Agency is composed and funded equally by the sports movement and governments of the world. Its key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code - the document harmonizing regulations regarding anti-doping in all sports and all countries.


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